Procedure for carpool and daycare with vehicle identifiers​
This procedure applies for the 2024-25 school year for vehicles with a magnetic identifier for carpooling or daycare.
The magnetic identifier must be visible when the vehicle enters the school’s drop-off/pick-up circuit (Rancho Acapulco Street or San Angel Street).
Vehicles with an identifier will have preferential access to the internal roads of the school.
For vehicles with a Carpool identifier
To pick up preschool, elementary, or middle school students, line up on lane #5 to be directed by the guards to the internal street with preferential access.
Registration requirements: A carpool must consist of at least 2 families and include 3 students or more.
Register of carpools must be done through this REGISTRATION LINK. Request your magnetic identifier at Reception. The identifier’s price is $100 pesos and will be charged to your account statement.
Each vehicle will be assigned a red card ID to identify the carpool number.
The identifier is valid for one school year.
The identifier must be placed on the vehicle's roof when accessing the school’s traffic circuit. THREE OR MORE STUDENTS MUST BE PICKED UP.
For vehicles with a Daycare identifier
Vehicles may drive through San Angel Street to be directed by the guards to the inner road with preferential access
Exclusive for families who have all their children enrolled in daycare.
Request your magnetic identifier at Reception. The identifier’s price is 100 pesos, and it will be charged to your account statement
The identifier is valid for one school year
The identifier must be placed on the vehicle's roof when accessing the school’s traffic circuit. ​